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Tuesday, February 4, 2020

What makes the 2019 Novel Coronavirus so deadly?

What makes the 2019 Novel Coronavirus so deadly? | Healthbiztips
What makes the 2019 Novel Coronavirus so deadly? | Healthbiztips

Why the 2019 Novel Coronavirus is deadly? | Healthbiztips

@healthbiztips by Arlene Gentallan

First emerged in the city of Wuhan in China, this new strain of coronavirus, called the 2019 novel coronavirus, has been declared by the World Health Organization as a global health emergency. Infecting thousands and claiming hundreds in it's wake, this ailment significantly heightened the public's fear, but what makes it so notorious and lethal?

Although signs and symptoms of the 2019 novel coronavirus may appear atypical with manifestations of fever, cough, and breathing difficulty, reported deaths are primarily brought by the development of pneumonia and respiratory distress.

One source of concern among healthy individuals that are afflicted with this illness is the developement of cytokine storm in which the body's immune's system goes out of control resulting to damage in vital organs such as in the lungs and kidneys which can ultimately lead to the demise of the infected person. The problem with cytokine storm is that the more robust the immune system of the individual, the more damage it does to the body as it goes haywire causing fluid build-up and unnecessary inflammation. Note however, that cytokine storm is not the hallmark of the 2019 novel coronavirus as it can also occur as a result of some other forms of infectious diseases.

What is more, this disease is especially fatal to the vulnerable part of the population such as those afflicted with cancer, are immunocompromised, at the extremes of age (young and old) since their weak immune system is unable to fight off an infection.

Although much is said about the potential danger of the 2019 novel corona virus, it is worth mentioning that the death rate of 2019-nCoV (2019 novel corona virus) is very low at just 2% which means that only 2 people out of 100 infected died. In comparison to ebola with a mortality rate of more than 50%, 2019 nCoV isn't as deadly.

Considering that this is a newly discovered disease, there is no vaccine nor medicine that has yet been made to treat it. Treatment is primarily supportive which includes hydration and assisted ventilation.

Adding insult to the injury, the outbreak in Wuhan China shows the world that a citywide infestation is possible, yet most of the nations, especially the developing ones, may not have enough resources to isolate and manage it.

Another source of alarm is that those afflicted with this brand-new disease are believed to be able to transmit it even before they show visible symptoms. Incubation period of this disease can be as short as 2 days or as long as 14 days at which time a person may be unknowingly spreading the infection.

This novel virus is a part of a larger family of coronavirus whose various strains are  identified as the causative agent of common cold, SARS, and MERS.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Low dose Aspirin Stops Cancer

Low dose Aspirin Stops Cancer | @healthbiztips
Low dose Aspirin Stops Cancer

@healthbiztips by Arlene Gentallan | health blog

In search of revolutionary ways to fight off cancer, we stumble onto an affordable medicine, in the form of aspirin, that can ward off this dreaded disease.

Aspirin is a cheap medicine commonly use for headache, fever, as well as for the prevention of heart attack and stroke, that has been shown by studies to possess a remarkable ability to significantly reduce the development of colorectal cancer.

Study shows that long term use of baby aspirin for roughly 3-5 years can substantially lower a person's risk of colorectal cancer. Low dose aspirin or baby aspirin is 100mg or less.

Colorectal cancer is a malignant tumor of the large intestine and rectum that afflicts hundreds of thousands each year commonly seen among individuals ages 50 and above. This discovery is beneficial especially among high risk groups including people with family history of colon cancer, presence of colon polyps, inflammatory bowel disease, chrohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, physically inactivity, and cigarette smoking.

In addition, aspirin had a remarkable ability to reduce the  spread of cancer to other parts of the body (metastasis). This is beneficial among those already diagnosed with cancer as spread of tumor cells to various parts of the body is a hindrance to successful treatment.

Currently, colonoscopy is the primary screening test to detect and remove benign and precancerous colorectal polyps that can potentially become cancerous if otherwise left.

Although, it is worth noting that aspirin is not a drug that's suited for everyone. People with clotting problems, taking blood thinners, have gastrointestinal upset or have allergy to this drug may not be suitable candidate for aspirin therapy. It is imperative to consult with your health care provider before taking aspirin.

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Aural+ Natural Hearing Recovery Review

Aural+ Review
Aural+ Review

Aural plus Review | Is it a scam?

 @healthbiztips by Arlene Gentallan | health blog

Aural + is a health product with a very strong claim to astonishingly cure deafness, but does this thing really works? Let's find out on this review.

First of all, before anyone gets tempted to purchase Aural+, wouldn't it be wise to first check out what's on this thing? Anyone who thinks that this natural hearing loss aid is made up of anything extraordinary will definitely get disappointed to find out that it's composed of mere maltodestrin (a sugar with high glycemic index), unspecified herbal extracts, B vitamins, and good ol' vitamin C.

Aural+ Review
Aural+ Review

The formulation of Aural+ resembles a typical food supplement, yet it claims that in just 19 to 21 days of use you will have "Complete recovery of 100% hearing. You abandon your hearing aid forever, and receive maximum quality of life."

While there are positive testimonies online hailing the effectiveness of this product, there are many who finds this supposedly hearing miracle as a scam. What can you expect from a combination of sugar, vitamins, and unstated herbs?

The fact that this product is marketed as having the ability to restore 100% hearing without the need of surgery is a big take away. It's very suspicious.

What's so special about this product such that it can cure hearing impairment? Any special ingredient? They don't mention any specifics about what makes it effective.

One of Aural plus' constituent, maltodestrin is portrayed in their website in a positive light yet is is a highly processed sugar additive that is more potent in shooting up blood sugar level than your typical table sugar.

Another distressing stuff about Aural+ is that you need to purchase not one, not two, but 3 boxes of it in order to complete using this Aural plus for 21 days.

Aural+ Review
Aural+ Review

There's even this countdown timer on their website that alerts customers to purchase the product right away within 10 minutes, otherwise their 50% sale will close. Here's a spoiler--it won't. Once the timer hits zero second, it will revert back to the 10 minute period. I have to say their marketing strategy awfully looks like that of OptiVisum.

Aural+ Review
Aural+ Review

Of course, everything in their website is meant to lure people into buying this product, with their overrated claims and promises. They even mentioned that you get a "100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE If you’re not satisfied with the product, return it and we will give your money back – no questions asked." However, according to the reviews and feedback I've seen, they don't respond to messages nor issue a refund.

Aural+ even have a disclaimer that "This disclaimer states there is no guarantee of specific results and each person results may vary. The information contained in this website is not intended to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee." So, in the end, they are their own contradictory statement to their supposedly 100% claim.

You see, there's no such thing as 100%!

If you want to buy Aural plus out of sheer hope of finding a cure, then bewarned. That hope can cost you more. If you have a hearing problem, then why hesistate to spend the money instead to seek professional help from a doctor or a physician. Consulting with an otolaryngologists or an ENT doctor will cost you money but so is Aural plus. By the way, why don't you ask your own doctor about Aural+ and see if they actually recognize this thing.

Friday, December 6, 2019

Why do non-smokers have lung cancer?

Why do non-smokers have lung cancer? Healthbiztips
Why do non-smokers have lung cancer? Healthbiztips
photo credit: Franck V. @franckinjapan @unsplash

Why do non-smokers have lung cancer? Healthbiztips

@healthbiztips by Arlene Gentallan | health blog

Tobacco smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer so the emergence of this dreaded disease among non-smokers baffles and surprises many. Try turning the table around and ask why not all smokers develop lung cancer.

First and foremost, although smoking tobacco is the major risk factor for the development of lung cancer, it is not the sole culprit. Circumstances like gene mutation, exposure to second hand smoke, air pollution, radon gas, asbestos, and radiation can also be the reason for the development of lung cancer.

The presence of a family history of lung cancer puts a person at an increased risk of developing this disease. Likewise, environmental factors like inhalation of chemical irritants can have serious implications.

Another culprit shown by research that can greatly contribute to lung cancer formation is the presence of major stressful life events such as divorce. Moreover, particularly startling is the discovery that when these stressful events does show to significantly contribute to lung cancer, their effect manifest in just several months to a few years whilst those attributed to smoking takes decades to develop.

Particularly alarming about lung cancer is it isn't usually apparent during it's early stage as it doesn't manifest signs and symtoms. By the time that symptoms like persistenct cough, breathing difficulty and chest pain does manifest, lung cancer has already advanced to end stage Stage IV in which cancer cells have metastazised to nearby organs such as the liver and brain. Thus, the survival rate for this type of cancer is low.

The possibility that a non-smoker will be diagnosed with lung cancer is by no means a way to put smoking at a better light. Take note that about 80% of individuals who have lung cancer have a history of smoking tobacco.

Overall, the development of lung cancer can involve various factors, not just cigarette smoking.


Jafri, S. H., Ali, F., Mollaeian, A., Mojiz Hasan, S., Hussain, R., Akkanti, B., … El-Osta, H. (2019). Major Stressful Life Events and Risk of Developing Lung Cancer: A Case-Control Study. Clinical Medicine Insights. Oncology, 13, 1179554919835798. doi:10.1177/1179554919835798

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Why Saffron is the Most Expensive Spice & What does it Taste?

Why Saffron is the Most Expensive Spice & What does it Taste? Healthbiztips
Crocus sativus flower from which Saffron is obtained
photo credit: Mahdi Dastmard @mahdigp @unsplash 

Why Saffron is the Most Expensive Spice & What does it Taste? - Healthbiztips

@healthbiztips by Arlene Gentallan - healthblog

A gram of saffron can cost roughly more than $6 but why is it so ridiculously high-priced? What many people don't know is the painstaking process involved in the making of this spice.

Saffron can only be harvested for one to three weeks each year since the violet flower Crocus sativus from which saffron is obtained blooms only during autumn. Not only that, the flowers have to be carefully handpicked and each of it's three stigma meticulous plucked and extracted by hand as well.

Each Crocus sativus flower contains only 3 redish stigma or stamen which are the saffron itself. Considering that each of these have to plucked out by hands, it is indeed a hard labor. A cultivator has to go through about 150 flowers to come by with a single gram of saffron. Meanwhile, an ounce of saffron will require roughly 75,000 flowers.

Did you know that this Crocus flower is sterile so they can not propagate by pollination and instead depends on human intervention to reproduce? So, it's bulb-like corms have to be unearthed manually, divided, and replanted in order to perpetuate their species.

Turning to it's taste. Powdered saffron looks quite like paprika but it definitely isn't on the spicy spectrum. In fact, this spice has a sweet hay-like and distinct taste with a signature fragrant aroma.

Although saffron has a unique taste, it's quite hard to define it in words. In addition, people have varying perception of it's taste. Despite this, it is undeniable that the infusion of this spice takes foods and drinks into a whole new level.

Many will argue that there is no replacement spice for the extraordinary taste of saffron. In fact, the absence of saffron can break the palatability of certain traditional dishes like Spanish paella.

The best quality saffrons are red in color, without a yellowish tint. Intact saffron stigma is preferred than powdered form as this ensure there is no filler like tumeric and paprika that have been added.

Saffron is widely used, especially in the Middle East Asia and India to color and season dishes, beverages, desserts, and is treasured for it's medicinal property.

Saffron is an irreplaceable spice with thousands of years of culinary traditions across the globe, but requires extensive labor to cultivate.

    Wednesday, November 20, 2019

    Miniso Adventure Time Baby Wet Wipes Review (Part 2)

    Miniso Adventure Time Baby Wet Wipes Review | Healthbiztips
    Miniso Adventure Time Baby Wet Wipes Review | Healthbiztips

    Miniso Adventure Time Baby Wet Wipes Review Part 2

    @healthbiztips by Arlene Gentallan | product review

    Miniso's Adventure Time Wet Wipes packaging design is so adorable and extremely cute! 

    Miniso Adventure Time Baby Wet Wipes Review | Healthbiztips
    Finn the human | Miniso Adventure Time Baby Wet Wipes Review | Healthbiztips

    Each package contains five individually wrapped wet wipes with imprinted character from the beloved cartoon series. There's Finn the human, Jake the dog, Beemo, Princess Bubblegum, and Lumpy Space Princess.

    Miniso Adventure Time Baby Wet Wipes Review | Healthbiztips
    Miniso Adventure Time 
    Baby Wet Wipes Review 
    Part 1

    Miniso Adventure Time Baby Wet Wipes Review | Healthbiztips
    Miniso Adventure Time Baby Wet Wipes Review | Healthbiztips

    Each packet of Adventure Time baby wet wipes by Miniso contains 10 sheets which are soft and moist, yet sturdy. It's sheets doesn't break apart when you rub it on your skin or pull on it gently.

    Miniso Adventure Time Baby Wet Wipes Review | Healthbiztips
    Jake the dog | Miniso Adventure Time Baby Wet Wipes Review | Healthbiztips

    Each packet has a resealable sticker to ensure that all it's moisture is contained inside. It's small enough to be a convenient backpack essential.

    Miniso Adventure Time Baby Wet Wipes Review | Healthbiztips
    Miniso Adventure Time Baby Wet Wipes Review | Healthbiztips

    It contains moisturizing components aloe and glycerin to prevent drying, although it is worth noting that this product is not all-natural nor organic. It actually contains preservative like benzalkonium chloride.

    Ingredients of Miniso Adventure TimebBaby Wet Wipes:

    Aqua, Glycerin, Aloe Yohjyu, Matsu Ekisu, Benzalkonium chloride, Chlorphenesin, Cetylpyridinium chloride, Ethylhexylglycerin, Citric Acid.

    Miniso Adventure Time Baby Wet Wipes Review | Healthbiztips
    BMO | Miniso Adventure Time Baby Wet Wipes Review | Healthbiztips

    Miniso Adventure Time Baby Wet Wipes Review | Healthbiztips
    Miniso Adventure Time Baby Wet Wipes Review | Healthbiztips

    Buyers may be confused of the logo "Miniso Japan" at the back of this product so to clear this out, let me say that although it is claimed that Miniso is a Japanese inspired brand, this company is actually based on Guangzhou, China. Incredibly this brand has expanded in multiple countries across the globe.

    Miniso Adventure Time Baby Wet Wipes Review | Healthbiztips
    Princess Bubblegum | Miniso Adventure Time Baby Wet Wipes Review | Healthbiztips

    Miniso Adventure Time Baby Wet Wipes Review | Healthbiztips
    Miniso Adventure Time Baby Wet Wipes Review | Healthbiztips

    When I used this wet wipe on my skin, it felt clean and gentle. It doen't have any distinct aroma.

    Miniso Adventure Time Baby Wet Wipes Review | Healthbiztips
    Lumpy Space Princess | Miniso Adventure Time Baby Wet Wipes Review | Healthbiztips

    Miniso Adventure Time Baby Wet Wipes Review | Healthbiztips
    Miniso Adventure Time Baby Wet Wipes Review | Healthbiztips
    According to the package inscription, you're not supposed to let this product get in contact with your eyes, althought if that happens, you have to rinse it off.

    Miniso Adventure Time Baby Wet Wipes Review | Healthbiztips
    Jake, Finn, and BMO | Miniso Adventure Time Baby Wet Wipes Review | Healthbiztips

    Miniso Adventure Time Baby Wet Wipes Review | Healthbiztips
    Princess Bubblegum and Fin | Miniso Adventure Time Baby Wet Wipes Review | Healthbiztips

    Miniso Adventure Time Baby Wet Wipes Review | Healthbiztips
    Miniso Adventure Time Baby Wet Wipes Review | Healthbiztips

    Any feedback or reviews you'd like to share about this personal care product? Leave me a comment below.

    Related blog post:

    Miniso Adventure Time Baby Wet Wipes Review | Healthbiztips
    Miniso Adventure Time - Baby Wet Wipes Review Part 1

    Miniso We Bare Bears Odorless Mild Wipes Review | Healthbiztips
    Miniso We Bare Bears Odorless Mild Wipes Review

    Friday, November 15, 2019

    7 Health Benefits of Mango

    Mango Health Benefits - Healthbiztips
    Mango Health Benefits - Healthbiztips

    Mango Health Benefits - Healthbiztips

    @healthbiztips by Arlene Gentallan -- health blog

    Mango (Mangifera indica) is one of the most desired tropical fruits because of it's delectable taste. It is packed with fiber, vitamins and minerals which offers a range of health advantages.

    Ripe mangoes have a soft yellow juicy sweet or sour flesh surrounding a large tough seed at it's core. This fruit comes in various varieties with different sizes and skin color ranging from green, orange, and yellow, although it's skin is inedible.

    Unripe mangoes are usually green in color with a extremely sour greenish fresh. Still, even unripe mangoes have an appeal as it can be eaten with fish paste (bagoong) or table salt to balance out it's taste.

    1. Promotes good digestion

    A good source of fiber, incorporating mango in the diet helps prevent and counteracts gastrointestinal problems like constipation, and encourages  regular bowel movement.

    2. Good for the eyes

    Every 100 grams of mango contains about 21% of one's daily Vitamin A needs. Vitamin A is essential for sharp eyesight and prevention of macular degeneration.

    3. Boosts immune system

    Mango is an excellent source of Vitamin C, an antioxidant  that plays a role in immunity and body repair. 100 gram mango meets about 60% of one's daily Vitamin C requirement.

    4. Healthy skin, hair, and teeth

    Vitamin C is also a paramount component in the production of collagen which serves as structural support of the skin, hair, teeth, muscle, organs, and other integral parts of the body. It gives strength and flexibility and prevents wrinkling and sagging.

    5. Low in calories

    Mangoes are low in calories, and do not contain cholesterol. Every 100 gram of this fruit only contains roughly 60 calories.

    6. Antioxidant rich

    Mango is rich in antioxidant polyphenols which serves to shield the body from harmful environmental free radicals that are responsible for premature aging. It also ensures the health of the cells in the human body. Studies in animals shows that intake of mango has positive outcome in the prevention of heart disease and cancer.

    7. Vitamins and minerals

    Mango is a good source of Vitamin E, folate, potassium, copper, vitamin B, vitamin K, and manganese, with traces of iron, calcium, and phosphorus.